Nobody hits a more perfect home run than Joey Gallo

There are a lot of home runs being hit in Major League Baseball these days. Some are far, some are entirely too short, some bounce off outfielders.

But the best home run, the most ideal home run, the home run you'd show to someone who has no idea what a home run is -- that one is a Joey Gallo home run.

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This is from Saturday's Astros-Rangers game and I can't stop watching it. It has everything. The upper-cut swing, the beautiful soar high up into the air, the long hang-time where you have a moment to wonder just how far this thing might go. When will it come down? Where will it come down?

Watch this slow-mo GIF and tell me it doesn't make you feel really good.

UGH. Here, one more time. Put Explosions in the Sky on and just take the rest of the day off.

It's so gratifying. I almost feel like I should write a letter to Joey thanking him for it.

And Gallo mirrors this kind of dinger a lot. In fact, he did it the night before. This one may have been even more majestic at a robust 442 feet.

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Like, does anybody know where that ball landed? It flies past the upper deck and kinda just disappears into the night -- never to be seen again. It's magnificent.

Even the first of Gallo's career was a moonshot.

So, if you have any friends or relatives or some random person on the street asking what a dinger is, show them a Joey Gallo home run. It's the dictionary definition. It's what all home runs should be. It's what all homers wish they could be.

It's perfect.

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