Jerry Dipoto orchestrated another trade ... this time from a hospital bed

No one loves anything as much as Jerry Dipoto loves trades. He's the Michael Phelps of GMs: While others are hemming and hawing, "Trader Jerry" is finalizing one deal and closing in on another. 
He pulled off another one on Thursday as he sent Carlos Santana back to Cleveland in exchange for Edwin Encarnacion. It was an unexpected move in part because it came on the last day of the Winter Meetings, when traditionally few deals are made as GMs board planes to head home. Oh yeah, and because Dipoto was literally making the trade from a hospital bed

Obviously, we must do everything we can to get our hands on this photo. 
Hollander tried to downplay the amount of work Dipoto -- who is known to do his own sabermetric work -- did from the hospital. 
"We were texting back and forth," Hollander told's Greg Johns. "Some of the ground work had been laid. He basically handed me the keys and said, 'You know what I want to do, roughly. Just check in when you have questions, but go run with it.'"
While it was concerning that Dipoto was in the hospital for blood clots, he is expected to be released from the hospital today -- presumably so he can make more deals in even more exotic locations. Expect to hear that Dipoto soon closed a deal while scuba diving, robbing the Hope diamond and skydiving. 

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