This kid totally lost his mind after Javier Baez gave him a batting glove

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We all have something we get excited about in a way no one quite understands. You may struggle to articulate your love for your favorite band while all your friends are underwhelmed by their work. Maybe you get joy out of a perfectly placed bunt while everyone around you is confused that the player didn't swing for the fences.

Kids are experts at expressing this sort of unbridled joy regardless of how those around them react. During Sunday night's game between the Cubs and Cardinals, Javy Baez gave his batting gloves to two young fans behind home plate. One showed a "normal" level of excitement, while the other completely lost his mind:

We should all aspire to find something we can get as excited about as this kid was upon receiving Baez's batting glove. That would surely make the world a better place.

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