Jackie Bradley Jr.'s jaw-dropping home run robbery is the meme of the summer

While you were sound asleep early Thursday morning, Jackie Bradley Jr. was busy being some unholy combination of Superman and Spider-man:

He didn't just nearly leap over a seven-foot-high fence at Camden Yards -- he nearly leapt over a seven-foot-high fence at Camden Yards in the bottom of the 11th inning with the game hanging in the balance. What should've been an O's walk-off turned into a dramatic Red Sox win.

But even more important than the play itself was the reaction to it. Behold Baltimore reliever Branden Kline, who had such high hopes:

Because it's the year 2019 and the Internet has irrevocably shattered all of our brains, you probably had the same thought I (and some fine folks online) did: God, that is just begging to become a meme. The landscape orientation, the number of moving parts, the sheer breadth of the emotions on display -- it's got it all. So go forth, and make sure that Twitter doesn't stop looking at JBJ defying the known laws of the universe until at least Labor Day.

Here, we made some to help you get started.

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