Jackie Bradley Jr. is the defensive superhero we need

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Well, he did it again. Red Sox outfielder Jackie Bradley Jr. did that thing he does so well -- making completely absurd defensive plays look like routine fly balls -- and it was both unbelievable and believable, considering the source.

His latest meme-worthy catch came in the eighth inning of Tuesday's game against the Twins, and was of the back-to-the-infield variety, while essentially leaping into the outfield fence. It was a thing of pure beauty.

Wouldn't this image of JBJ stuck on the outfield wall, ball nestled in the webbing of his glove, look fantastic as a painting? I'm not an artist so somebody more skilled might want to think about commissioning that, because this is art.

This sort of thing is nothing new for Bradley, of course. It doesn't matter if he's on the road like he was for his latest catch, in a stadium much less familiar to him than Fenway Park, or at home at his own ballpark. The man makes magic happen with the glove.

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You cannot coach that.

This one? Also difficult. But you wouldn't know it based on how easy it seemed to him.

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There is nothing he can't do while roaming the outfield grass.

It's just what he does. He's a special talent out there on defense, so you'd best start paying attention if you weren't already.

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