Sitting on this Iron Throne made of baseball bats is a new life goal

"Game of Thrones" officially kicked off its final season on Sunday night, and numerous teams have promotions planned to celebrate it with a theme night. The iconic Iron Throne will be at many of these ballparks, but the El Paso Chihuahuas have figured out a way to make it even better.

Instead of an Iron Throne full of imitation swords, the Chihuahuas have one made of baseball bats for "Game of Crossbones" night on Saturday. Longtime MLB reliever Carlos Torres modeled for it on Thursday:

Now there's a throne that would be worthy of any dedicated baseball fan. Can we also get Ichiro to sit on it with a crown that says "Hit King?" Please?

I'd like to imagine that instead of the thousand swords of the foes of the first king of Westeros, Aegon Targaryen, these are the thousand bats of vanquished Chihuahuas opponents. Every time one of their pitchers closes out a victory, the hitter at the plate would be forced to surrender his bat for the throne.

Given that series creator George R.R. Martin has posed on a similarly creative throne in the past, we know he'd approve.

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