True contact hitter Ruben Tejada hit one baseball two times with one swing

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Hitting a baseball with a baseball bat is an exceedingly difficult act -- one of the hardest things to do in pro sports, really. The physics involved are a bit of a challenge. 
Once in a while, a batter makes contact two times on one swing. We've seen this result in base hits at least two times already this season, but Thursday's Giants-A's game featured a new twist on this decidedly odd circumstance.
Giants infielder Ruben Tejada fouled off a Dillon Overton offering in the third inning, but the ball bounced up and made contact with the bat on Tejada's backswing -- so, it bounced toward A's catcher Josh Phegley before being redirected out toward the pitcher's mound on his follow-through:

This may not have counted as a base hit, but it was definitely an interesting visual, to be sure ... 

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