Thank god someone finally admitted that champagne is just a little bit gross

Look, I'm not a philistine. I'm not against champagne per se. There is, as with everything in life, a time and a place: when you're cosplaying as a financially secure adult at the opera, when you come back in from the cold to eat the short ribs that have been cooking all day, every single New Year's party.

But in the clear light day of day ... it's a little gross, right? The almost sticky sweetness, the aftertaste, all that carbonation -- great for feeling fancy, but not exactly the kind of thing you'd want to sip on for an extended period of time. (Please note that this does not extend to all sparkling wines, most of which are good, so your spritzer season may continue apace.)

Which is why it was so refreshing to see Yankees catcher Gary Sánchez, in the midst of one of the most hallowed traditions in sports -- the post-clinch champagne shower -- strike a blow for the everyman:

If I had to choose, I'd probably say that the best part of this video is the split second between tasting and spitting it all over the floor, when he looks at the bottle as though it's just told him that his childhood dog died. I am all for the glory of the clubhouse celebration, but I'm also for famous and glamorous professional athletes reminding us that we've all been there before.

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