Freddie Freeman and his wife Chelsea brought their cat on the way to Spring Training

Here is a picture of Freddie Freeman and his wife driving to Braves Spring Training in Lake Buena Vista, Fla.: 

Oh, yeah, and their cat, Nala, is joining them for the ride.
Because, what, was he going to leave her behind? Would Calvin leave behind Hobbes? Would Sabrina leave Salem? No, the answer is no. You can't just leave behind a cat who can sit upright in the car, with her arms crossed like she's waiting patiently for your next guess in 20 Questions.
(Hint: It's probably Garfield.)

Who knows, though? Maybe Nala will be competing with the Braves' latest free-agent signing, Jeff Francoeur, for a spot in the outfield. I bet the scouting report on Nala lists her 80-grade cat-like reflexes.
What do you think, Nala -- was that a good joke?

h/t SB Nation

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