Watch in awe as this fan is completely unfazed by a foul ball heading straight at her

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The thing about reflexes is that, for the most part, we have no control over them. When the doctor hits your knee with that little hammer, your leg is going to extend. If it doesn't, that probably means something is amiss. A similar situation occurs when a baseball comes flying in your direction. There are probably ways to train oneself out of it, but most of us are going to flinch or put our hands up to defend ourselves, even if there's a net in the way.

If there is a way to unlearn those reactions, this fan in Toronto has likely discovered it. In the fourth inning of Saturday's 3-0 win over the Tigers, Blue Jays third baseman Brandon Drury fouled a ball straight back. This fan didn't so much as blink as the ball came barreling toward her.

Two pitches later, Drury hit a double to center field. Perhaps that did more to make an impression on this stoic fan than his foul ball that went right toward her.

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