Running over seven (!) rows didn't earn this fan the foul ball he sought, but you can't knock the effort

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Not all tales of perseverance come with happy endings. For some, the power of the story lies in the journey, not the destination.

This fan in Wednesday afternoon's Angels-A's game from the Coliseum brings it all to life -- with a surprise ending, too.

Now, I've been known to devote full attention to my foul ball pursuits over the years. Never near taking-one-from-a-kid territory, as that's just evil. But I've definitely thought about the level of effort this guy put into his quest above.

Even so, walking over seven rows like that? I cannot do that. Nope. At some point I'd have tripped over my own feet and face-planted on the concrete.

So while this gentleman's foul ball pursuit didn't end with a prized souvenir, his attempt alone is worth some major kudos.

And, as an added bonus thanks to the A's, he did end up with a baseball after all, later in the afternoon. Check out the end of this video:

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