Unfazed, Dee Gordon seamlessly fielded Todd Frazier's bat after an aggressive swing

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When attending a baseball game, everyone is warned to watch out for thrown or batted balls or bats. While those precautions are usually reserved for fans in the stands (who see some strange things every now and then), they apply to the fielders themselves, too.
This played out during Saturday night's White Sox-Marlins game at Marlins Park when Todd Frazier swung especially hard at an Adam Conley offering, sending his bat hurtling toward the second-base bag.

No matter, Dee Strange-Gordon was there, eager to scoop it up as if fielding a normal 4-3 putout: 

For Frazier, he is now on the other end of a phenomenon he experienced on defense just last week when a bat and ball came bounding toward him at the hot corner. 
Once again, the lesson to take away from this is that everybody should always be on full alert at the ballpark -- fans, players, umpires, coaches and even uniformed security officers

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