A foul tip hit Gary Sanchez juuust below the belt, and David Robertson's reaction was perfect

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Sanchez shakes off hit from foul

The Yankees held strong in Tuesday night's AL Wild Card Game, beating the Twins, 8-4, thanks in large part to right-hander David Robertson, who came out of the bullpen in the third inning and fired 3 1/3 innings of shutdown relief. 
In the sixth inning, though, something happened. A foul tip grazed off catcher Gary Sánchez, and ... well ... it looked like it hurt:


From the mound, Robertson reacted as many folks watching the game around the world probably did: 



Raise your cup to Robertson for his great performance in the game -- and for his reaction after Sanchez took a foul tip to an area below the belt and above the thighs.

Sanchez saw Robertson's reaction as evidence of a deep bond between teammates and assured the world that he's fine.

With the Wild Card Game out of the way, the Yankees are now set to face the Indians in the ALDS. Tune in to Game 1: Thursday, 7:30 p.m. ET on FS1.

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