David Hess wore an LSU football helmet after getting hit in the eye with a football

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MLB players are clearly excited the NFL season is underway. Mike Trout even managed to take advantage of a narrow gap in the Angels' schedule to attend the Eagles' season opener Thursday night. Don't be surprised then if you see players tossing the pigskin around before the game.
Prior to Friday's game against the Rays, Orioles pitcher David Hess was running some routes in the outfield and was delivered a ball right on his hands. Instead of catching the pass, it hit him right in the eye. After seeing an ophthalmologist, Hess appeared in the Orioles dugout wearing an LSU football helmet.

We don't expect to see Hess out playing football without the proper protective gear anytime soon. While we applaud the concern for safety, we have to wonder: Where did he get the helmet on such short notice? Not even he knows the answer. "I could not entirely tell you where the LSU helmet came from," Hess told MLB.com's Brittany Ghiroli. "It appeared in the second inning and I was told to wear it, so I wore it."

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