Danny Espinosa picked a great time for his second hit to right field as a right-handed hitter in 2016

As a switch-hitting utility infielder, Danny Espinosa is a valuable commodity for the Nationals. In 2016, he recorded 108 hits on the campaign -- 84 against right-handed pitchers, and 24 against lefties. 
In Thursday's National League Division Series Game 5 showdown with the Dodgers, Espinosa gave the Nats an early 1-0 lead on an RBI single to right field (his first postseason RBI, too) against lefty Rich Hill. No big deal, right? Wrong:

The fun facts get better, too: 

Just two hits to right field as a right-handed hitter all season? And the lone other hit was also against the Dodgers?
Baseball is strange sometimes. 

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