Nice play, Dad: Fan holding his baby barehands foul ball without having to move much at all

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Well, another dad did it. We've seen more than a few impeccable catches from fathers in the stands already this season, and Wednesday's 11-4 win by the Nats over the White Sox added another to the tally.
In the top of the fifth, Anthony Rendon fouled a pitch down the right-field line. The ball bounced into the stands and ricocheted around a few fans before being grabbed rather impressively by a man holding his daughter in his lap. As he was without glove, he had to barehand the play … and did so in textbook fashion.

As seen at the end of the video clip above, the baby is seen reaching for the baseball mere seconds after the catch, seemingly eager to hold it and feel the stitches.
Maybe, just maybe, this moment will be looked back upon by this family in the future as the singular moment that sparked a lifelong interest in the game … 

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