Couple gets married at Wrigley Field, becomes the envy of all Cubs fans

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After their latest win, Friday's 9-4 defeat of the Pirates, the Cubs are sitting pretty at 26-8. Everything's coming up roses for Joe Maddon's club these days, and on Friday one happy couple had a pretty great afternoon themselves by getting married at Wrigley Field. During the game.

Brian and Micci Orth hail from Highland, Ind., roughly a 40-mile drive south of the Chicago area. They made their way to the Friendly Confines for Friday's ceremony, which took place under the video board on the left field bleacher patio.
Because no wedding ceremony is complete without desserts, they enjoyed some Cubs-themed cupcakes after the ceremony was complete, too.

Congratulations to the Orths, who just pulled off the kind of wedding most baseball fans dream about. We often see proposals take place during games, but actual wedding ceremonies are a bit more exclusive ...

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