A Cleveland ice cream company prepared a World Series Survival Kit for Terry Francona

The night before Game 5 of the World Series, Terry Francona couldn't sleep. And really, you can't blame him -- his Indians had just taken a 3-1 lead over the Cubs, and stood just one win away from the team's first title in nearly 70 years.
So, Francona did the only thing a person can do while restless in a Chicago hotel room at three in the morning: He ordered some ice cream from room service. Like, a lot of it.

Francona and the Tribe have now returned to Cleveland, with a massive Game 6 looming on Tuesday night (7:30 p.m. ET air time on FOX I 8 p.m. game time). And while he still might not be able to get much sleep, a Cleveland ice cream company has ensured that he'll at least have some easier (and far less expensive) access to late-night sweets:

Not only did Pierre's put together a package of some of their finest ice cream, but they even boxed it up, put it on a truck and shipped it to Progressive Field where the company has a concession stand. The box came with a little message: "Enjoy with friends for best results." Don't worry -- if Cleveland wins on Tuesday, we're pretty sure Francona will have plenty of friends to share it with.

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