Chris Sale's explanation for his hospital stay is one of the most bizarre you'll hear

A collective gasp fell over Red Sox nation this week when Boston ace Chris Sale was hospitalized with a stomach illness. After his start was pushed back -- and proved unnecessary as the Red Sox wrapped up their trip to the World Series in only five games against the Astros -- the left-hander is expected to pitch Game 1
As for the exact reason for Sale's hospital stay? Well, Sale's explanation is a little bizarre: He jokingly blamed it on a belly button ring. 
"I had irritation from a belly button ring, just constantly taking it in and out, causing irritation and got a rash down there," Sale said. 
We've seen pitchers remove jewelry on the mound because it's distracting to the batter, but so far we've never seen a pitcher pull out a belly button ring. 
Of course, Sale was kidding -- we think -- but his torso treasure wouldn't be the weirdest jewelry that a baseball player has owned. That would probably belong to Carter Capps. Capps had his rib turned into a necklace after it was removed due to thoracic outlet syndrome: 

Well, it's either that or Turk Wendell's necklace made of claws and teeth: 

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