Meet the Royals fan who has attended 1,000 consecutive home games

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Every summer, baseball teams host 81 home games. And while we as fans would love to make it to each and every one of them, things come up: family vacations, bosses asking you to work late, waiting in line for midnight movie tickets. Maybe you even didn't feel like putting on pants and so watched at home -- no judgment here. 
But for Royals fan Chris Coats from Raytown, Mo., none of those are excuses. When the Royals beat the Tigers, 10-3, on Friday, it was Chris Coats' 1,000th consecutive home game. That's the 100 emoji 10 times! Since starting the streak May 25, 2004 -- including playoff games -- Coats has been there. He didn't even let a brain tumor stop him. 
As Coats said:  
"I just love Royals baseball, I love coming out to Kauffman Stadium. Just the atmosphere, coming out to watch a ballgame -- no matter how good or bad they play, it was always fun to watch." 
Coats certainly has seen plenty of losing baseball teams. When he started in 2004, the Royals kicked off a streak of three consecutive 100-plus loss seasons. That includes the 2005 team where the two best players by rWAR were David DeJesus and Andy Sisco -- a relief pitcher who had a career 5.18 ERA in three seasons. 
But Coats, who makes sure to request off work when the Royals play weekday matinees, stuck with the team and it's all paid off. The cape-wearing superfan said the team had come "full circle." "To go from 100 games of losing a year to winning it all, " he said, "It was just incredible."  
(Additional reporting by Sam Lutz and Kayci Evans / Real-Time Correspondents)

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