Check out the last week's best tweets from Major and Minor Leaguers

Tweets of the Week is probably the most straightforward segment on this website that you'll ever see. Each week, we'll take a look at some of the funniest, cheekiest and most noteworthy tweets tweeted by professional baseball players. Super simple. We hope you aren't confused. Let's start with MLB.
Tweets from the Bigs
Pat Neshek adds to his collection

Neshek has been known for a while as perhaps the most committed card collector in the game today. Neshek was also named a National League All-Star for his stellar first half with the Phillies. Surely he's looking forward to a huge concentration of autograph opportunities in Miami next week.
Chris Gimenez is a two-way star

The 34-year-old catcher has already made six (!) relief appearances for Minnesota this year, something a catcher has not done in over 100 years. The man deserves more attention.
Drew Butera is not ready for Paige Parker

After leading the University of Oklahoma to back-to-back national championships, Parker recently visited the Royals to throw out the ceremonial first pitch. Little did Kansas City's backup catcher know that Parker is every bit as nasty as the big leaguers he catches on a daily basis. If only baseball pitchers could throw rise balls...
And now, Minor League folks who are Major League Tweeters.
Corey Baker has a point

This could definitely cause some issues.
Hey now, Tom Hackimer

A strong case can be made.
If you see any tweets across baseball that you find worthy for #TOTW (Tweets of the Week) send them to us @CespedesBBQ.