Carlos Carrasco hung out with a lot of giraffes during his trip to Africa

For baseball players, the winter presents an opportunity to get away from the grind of the regular season and postseason schedules to relax a bit and spend time with family. While we all know that there's #NoOffseason in any full sense, players do find ways to take advantage of their more flexible winter schedules to change up their routine.
For Indians starter Carlos Carrasco, that means a chance to travel and explore new places. He and his wife took a trip to Africa where they became intimately acquainted with the giraffes:

Even indoors, they couldn't get away from the long-necked creatures:

Later on, they took on a bit more of a risk by going on a safari out into the wild. There they drove alongside a lion. Despite being so close to the large predator, the Carrascos maintained some impressive composure ... and a steady hand on the camera:

Hopefully Carrasco keeps a safe distance from any lions he encounters during the rest of his trip. With that in mind, we're totally in for more pictures of them hanging out with giraffes since they're both cute and friendly.

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