10 photos of Major Leaguers that proves psychokinesis is real

It may seem like a super power or science fiction, but in some parapsychology circles, there's proof that the mind can impact things outside the body. And no, this isn't "The Secret"-style "power of positive thinking" mumbo jumbo, this is hard science with things like ESP, remote viewing and, of course, psychokinesis. 
Rather than linking to some boring old scientific studies, here are 10 photos that prove that psychokinesis is real. 
Yangervis Solarte went full Magneto: 

Welington Castillo cares not for gravity: 

Adam Jones attempted to summon the ball to his hand: 

Brandon Crawford is the world's best juggler ... because he literally never needs to touch anything to keep it floating in mid-air : 

Luis Valbuena: