Bryce Harper mistakenly said he wanted to bring a title to DC in his first Phillies press conference

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Up until this offseason, Bryce Harper had spent the entirety of his professional baseball career with the Nationals. He was their first pick in the 2010 Draft and spent seven Major League seasons in Washington, D.C., after his debut in 2012. That's just under nine years of calling the Nationals organization home.

On Thursday, Harper agreed to a 13-year deal with the Phillies, which, by the time it's run its course, will dwarf the amount of time he spent with the Nationals. But, old habits are hard and slow to break. Case in point: Harper was still talking about winning a World Series for DC while wearing Phillies gear.

Cut the guy some slack! He just spent the entire offseason trying to figure out where he wanted to spend the next decade or more of his life and only arrived in Florida with the Phillies on Friday. He deserves a period to get acquainted with his new surroundings. It definitely won't take the whole 13 years on his contract for him to stop referring to his home as DC.

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