Fully intent on scoring, Brian McCann executed a perfect tag-avoiding slide at home plate

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Astros catcher Brian McCann isn't exactly known for his speed on the bases. After all, he took part in a battle with Billy Butler last season to see which then-Yankee was the slowest on the roster
But while speed is a definite plus in baseball, it isn't everything. Smarts and the ability to think in the moment are also valuable skills, something McCann used to his advantage in Friday's game with the Angels. Trying to score on a Nori Aoki grounder to first base in the second inning, McCann took off from third and had to employ an evasive gesture to avoid a potential tag from Martin Maldonado:

McCann's momentum carried him well past the plate, but a quick pump of the brakes and a careful reach back behind him led him to his ultimate goal. 
A Master class in precision sliding, really. 

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