Eric Thames has his own Korean cheer song, and his Brewers teammates can't get enough of it

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The breakout story of the season so far has to be the prodigious and unexpected home run barrage from Eric Thames -- whether facing the Reds or the rest of the league. He's been swatting homers with ease, blasting moon shots all across the field at an absurd pace and with seemingly little in terms of a "weakness" at the plate.
Before he was taking the big leagues by storm, Thames spent the past few years being a home run hero in the KBO and inspiring mash-ups of 2017 homers with archival Korean play-by-play. That sort of stardom came with some perks -- like, for example, his very own cheer song, which you can listen to in the clip atop this post.
If you're thinking, "Hmm, feels like I've heard this song before ..." it's probably because you have:

Thames' new Brewers teammates got a kick out of the song when it was presented to them, with a few (Junior Guerra, Matt Garza, Jimmy Nelson, Corey Knebel and Jett Bandy among them) definitely enjoying it. 

The Brewers have said they'll be playing the song at Miller Park, so you can imagine hearing the song as Bernie Brewer takes a ride down his big slide every time Thames does this:

Just perfect, isn't it?

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