The Brewers' Brett Phillips and Josh Hader channeled 'Wayne's World' with 'Brett's World'

It's Friday. It's 10:30 (or whatever day or time it is in whichever time zone you're currently reading this).
A few days ago marked the 25th anniversary of the 1992 comedy classic "Wayne's World." 
With that in mind, the Brewers put together a rather amazing send-up of the iconic '90s comedy, with outfielder Brett Phillips playing the part of Wayne Campbell to pitcher Josh Hader's Garth Algar in a video simply titled "Brett's World": 

From the video's production quality to the attention to detail (not to mention that Justin Bieber poster on the wall), not to mention well-timed comedic nods to Phillips' already-infamous laugh and the youthful look of Milwaukee manager Craig Counsell, this clip has everything.
Plus, there's even a playful jab at the rival Cubs. And, in the spirit of the original "Wayne's World," the two hosts also put together a Top 10 list of the best baseball movies of all-time. 
Very nicely done, everybody involved.

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