Here are all the firsts from opening night at SunTrust Park, featuring lots of Ender Inciarte

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After four years and one season-opening road trip, the wait is finally over: The Braves opened up brand new SunTrust Park against the Padres on Friday night. The fans were ready. The concessions were ready. Even Atlanta's franchise legends were ready -- including Hank Aaron, who christened the new ballpark with a first pitch to legendary manager Bobby Cox:

Next it was the current Braves' turn to take the field, with a little help from some righteous pyrotechnics:

Phillip Phillips performed the park's first national anthem:

There was even SunTrust Park's first ... zipline ride?

And then, at exactly 7:53 p.m. ET, it was time to play ball. Julio Teheran delivered SunTrust Park's first regular-season pitch -- and recorded its first regular-season out, a fly ball to Ender Inciarte (more on him later):

One half-inning later, it was the Braves offense's turn to make some history. Cox got the inaugural Tomahawk Chop going:

No doubt inspired by the neon, Inciarte legged out the first hit ...

... and Nick Markakis brought home the first run, plating -- you guessed it -- Inciarte:

Of course, no ballpark opener would be complete without the first dinger. But don't worry, Inciarte took care of that, too:

Thanks in large part to Inciarte, Atlanta opened their new home with a 5-2 win. We'll give you one guess as to who caught the final out:

Alas, SunTrust Park's first Bartolo Colon sighting will have to wait until another day.

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