Blooper's pregame shenanigans with Jose Martinez quickly devolved into chaos

"Maybe Jose Martinez reads Cut4!"

That was one of the initial reactions I had to seeing what went down in the minutes before Wednesday night's Cardinals-Braves game at SunTrust Park.

The Braves' mascot, Blooper, was apparently interested in pulling some nonsense with the Cardinals slugger with some on-field antics, but Martinez was clearly not interested.

Maybe Martinez wasn't keen on being the next victim of Blooper's (potentially illegal!) financial fraud. Maybe he just wanted to do his stretches and not be harangued by a fluffy mascot up to no good.

Or -- and this is the likely answer, realistically -- maybe Martinez's definitely provoked attacks on Blooper were his way of playing along with the madness before scurrying into the St. Louis dugout in escape.

Whatever the case, consider this a warning, Blooper: Players are on to your scheming.

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