The Celtics and Red Sox are talking about bringing basketball to Fenway Park

Over the past few years, Fenway Park has been many things to many people. It's been a college football field:

A wondrous snowscape:

And even a personal treehouse:

Heck, it's even hosted a hockey game:

Still, something was missing. Despite the sport's endorsement from no less than Lil Bow Wow, basketball had yet to come to Yawkey Way. Thankfully, though, the Celtics might be planning to change that: According to The Boston Globe, the team has been in talks with the Red Sox about holding a game at Fenway in the future.
"I've gotten into it. I really do like the idea," [Celtics president Rich] Gotham said. "I think if you can find a way to sort of differentiate the game and make it fun for fans, that's a great thing. And the Winter Classic certainly does that. Even when Fenway stages certain events, like football games, it just m akes it more special for people involved and the fans. I think if you can do it, great. At the same time, my job requires me to be pragmatic, so you'd need to look at the hurdles."
There are obviously a lot of logistics to be ironed out -- as you may have heard, it tends to snow a bit in Boston -- and nothing's been decided yet. Still, we would like to offer a humble suggestion: Just schedule the game in the winter, and if snow comes, make both teams compete in a ski jumping event

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