Blue Jays outfielder Junior Lake bunted the helmet right off his head

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What happens when you combine Blue Jays outfielder Junior Lake, Red Sox pitcher Steven Wright, a knuckleball and a bunt attempt?
This, this is what happens:

Yes, in his second-inning at-bat during the Red Sox-Blue Jays Grapefruit League game, Lake attempted to bunt one of Wright's wobbly knuckleballs, and instead of rolling down the first-base line, the ball popped straight up and knocked the helmet clean off Lake's head. 
I believe the technical term for such an occurance is "holycowareyoukiddingmedidthatreallyhappen?" but in this case, it's best not to try to figure out exactly how this happened, and instead just watch it again, and again.
Preferably in slow-motion:

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