This Blue Jays fan made most daring catch you'll ever see from the stands

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Catching a foul ball often requires more luck than skill. Sure, you've gotta be able to close your hand or mitt around the ball, but more often than not, the ball either winds up landing right at you or it doesn't.

This Blue Jays fan went all out. In the ninth inning of Toronto's 7-2 loss to Chicago, the White Sox' Ryan Cordell hit a ball into the stands. After first bobbling the foul, this fan knew he had no choice. Showing the kind of reflexes and willingness to lay it all on the line that you usually associate with the players on the field and not the fans in the stands, he dove, got caught on the wall and fell. Naturally, he had the ball, too.

Just watch as his sunglasses perfectly fall over his eyes like he's some kind of living meme. It's like he planned this whole thing.

Unfortunately, because his dive carried him onto the field, the fan had to be escorted from the game. Sometimes the dive just isn't worth it.

(h/t @BlueJayHunter)

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