Ben Zobrist lived every 'Sandlot' fan's dream and biked to Wrigley in his uniform

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Zobrist rides his bike to work

Plenty of people ride their bikes to work. It's environmentally conscious and a great source of exercise. Rarely do you see a baseball player do it -- in uniform no less. 
Before the Cubs' 11-3 loss to the Brewers on Saturday, Ben Zobrist lived out every kid's "Sandlot"-inspired dream and rode off to Wrigley Field in his uniform. The kicker: He was wearing the shoes to make a kid run faster and jump higher.

Hey, when you've clinched the division for the first time since 2008 and there's still more than two weeks left in the regular season, you deserve to have some fun.
Hopefully this look will spread across biking fanatics and we'll see full baseball uniforms in next year's Tour de France. 

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