Bartolo Colon is finally on Instagram and he's getting back into playing shape

This isn't ordinarily a space for announcing that somebody's opened up a social media account -- but in this case, it's worth it.

After previously only existing in the digital space on Facebook, where he shared images of himself living his best life with a beer on a boat and causing a frenzy feeding some pigeons in the park, Bartolo Colon is now the owner of a fully verified Instagram account.

One of the more recent photos shared on his page is a fun collage of himself pitching over the years, representing each of the 12 teams he's been involved with. He's a worldly man, and now we'll all get to enjoy his worldly travels and happenings as he shares those moments on social media.

The first photo shared on his Instagram page is dated June 18, so this definitely looks like something he just started doing. And while he hasn't caught on with a team since last season came to a close, he also hasn't officially retired, and from the looks of things he's determined to stay in shape:

But if his pitching days are truly done, he'll have plenty of free time to show off what he does in his free time, the same way you or I do. And for that, I'm thankful.

We should all be thankful.

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