The best team in baseball is laughing in your face

The Houston Astros are a very good baseball team, and it's been that way for a few years.

But this season is different. They're still very good, but they're also very mad.

They're mad that they won the World Series in 2017 and then didn't win it again in 2018. All season they've been talking about #TakingItBack. They talk trash about entire cities. They laugh about having three once-in-a-generation pitchers in one rotation. They have one of wrestling's greatest heels as their number one fan -- and an outfielder who would absolutely be a wrestling heel in another life. They have the best record in the league -- the best offense and pitching in baseball -- and they know it.

They've essentially become the new Yankees, the team that everyone loves to hate.

And upon clinching their division over the weekend, manager AJ Hinch made it clear that this will not stop. They're going to keep winning and laughing in all of our sad, little faces.

I mean, the only thing that would've made this speech better would be if Hinch had said, "I don't know who's gonna win Manager of the Year, but I know that he's in this room," while smiling and pointing to his head multiple times.

So, sorry, Yankees, but you don't come close to Houston. Not happening for you again, Dodgers. Grow up, Braves. The Twins? Really? The Minnesota Twins?

The Astros are the greatest team in all the land. And if that makes you and your team mad, well, that's fine. They needed a good laugh.

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