Anthony Garcia had peak bad luck when he grounded out without even swinging the bat

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William James famously said, "When you have to make a choice and don't make it, that is in itself a choice." Athletics outfielder Anthony García learned that the hard way when he grounded out against the Giants on Saturday night
When the Giants' Julian Fernández threw a breaking ball that didn't break, Garcia stood his ground. Only problem is he also didn't bring his bat down. So, even though he didn't choose to swing, when the ball bounced off his bat and rolled into fair territory, there was nothing to do but run down to first base and take your lumps. 

It was enough that the Giants broadcast booth referred to the play as "Kafkaesque." 
While Garcia was the unfortunate recipient of some terrible luck on St. Patrick's Day, he's been impressive in his first Spring Training with the A's. Signed to a Minor League deal this offseason, Garcia is batting .308 with three home runs. That's what happens when you choose to swing the bat. 

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