Andrew McCutchen's Instagram continues to be a goldmine of ventriloquy and shockingly terrifying masks

We're in a golden era of artsy baseball Instagrams. Nationals infielder Howie Kendrick has been taking advantage of all the travel of an MLB season to take stunning photos from the streets of America's cities. Yankees shortstop Didi Gregorious has been posting cartoons of his teammates throughout the year.

But, before it was the cool thing to do, Andrew McCutchen was making Instagram a place for baseball players to express their artistic talents. His videos have never been nominated for an Oscar, but that's pretty clearly an oversight by The Academy.

This season, he's incorporated costumes and masks into his filmmaking, including a tribute to The Black Panther. On Tuesday, he was back with some advice to pitching coaches: Rather than covering your mouth -- to avoid ... professional lip readers in the opposing clubhouse, or something? -- simply bring a terrifying mask to the mound to talk to your struggling pitcher.

One of my first baseball memories is asking my dad why everyone covers their mouths when talking on the mound. It didn't make much sense to me as a five-year-old kid in the stands. I'm not sure a pitching coach coming out wearing a Halloween mask would have made any more sense, but it would definitely have been much more fun.

With October just around the corner, Cutch is right -- it's high time for pitching coaches around the league to get their mask games on.

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