Pedro Strop hit a ball so hard at Andrew McCutchen that Cutch couldn't believe his eyes

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Pedro Strop has become known for many things over his nine-year Major League career, from his nasty stuff to arguably the finest post-strikeout celebration in baseball. One thing that he's not known for, however, is hitting: Strop's had one at-bat in the big leagues, which came back in 2016. But during the Cubs' 4-1 win over the Pirates on Tuesday night, he served notice that just because he hasn't hit doesn't mean he can't.
Strop stayed in the game for a plate appearance in the bottom of the seventh, and he jumped on a Dovydas Neverauskas fastball and lined it into center field. Andrew McCutchen made the catch, but afterward he had to be sure that his eyes didn't deceive him:

We can't blame you, Cutch.

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