A bouncer tried diverting itself away from Adam Lind, but he speared it with ease

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Adam Lind has a flair for the dramatic. He's hit two walk-off homers for the Mariners this season (following up one of them with a great helmet jump shot at home plate), but one of his most impressive moments took place in Monday night's 3-2 win over the Angels in Southern California. 
Ji-Man Choi hit a grounder up the first-base line that presented Lind with a bit of a tough hop once it reached the bag. "Meh, whatever!" said Lind, probably, as he shot his hand up instinctively and did this: 

Whether that was Lind's plan from the get-go remains to be seen, though it probably wasn't considering he appeared ready to make a play with his glove. Still, he made it look easy. 
Speaking to MLB.com's Greg Johns after the game, Seattle manager Scott Servais explained some of Lind's inspiration on the field these days: 
"I go back to it again. Adam watches the Olympics every night before he goes to bed and he fills us in the next day on what he saw. It's the athleticism that he's seeing. It was Usain Bolt the other night, it was the gymnast. The athleticism just continues to keep coming out."
We have to imagine Choi was pretty impressed by Lind's effort too, as he knows a thing or two about eye-popping plays at first base. 

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