A's ballboy made the catch of the game and played it totally cool

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On a day when Major Leaguers had a bit of … trouble … making catches -- some accidentally, some on purpose -- one A's ballboy decided to show the professionals how it's done.
In the top of the third inning of Sunday's Royals-A's game, Christian Colon fouled off a pitch toward the right-field foul line, and the ballboy leapt into action. And I mean leapt:

Seriously, look how high he got on that catch. That's what we call home-run-robbing extension: 

And if you watch the clip above, you'll see how totally cool he played it off afterwards, like a consummate pro just doing his job.
Hey, sometimes it's not the big leaguers on the field that end up making the catch of the game -- the ballboy's catch must be what inspired Coco Crispto reel in this one in the very next inning. 

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