A-Rod will be on FOX as a full-time analyst for the 2017 season, will take over your TV by year end

Alex Rodriguez is out to conquer television. He was an MLB Studio Analyst for FOX during the 2016 postseason, co-hosted Live with Kelly in November and announced a pilot for his own show on CNBC in January. As if three different TV gigs weren't enough, FOX announced on Tuesday that A-Rod will be a full-time MLB analyst for the 2017 season, including its Saturday broadcasts and All-Star Game coverage.

At this rate, A-Rod will be on television every single day of the week by … breaks out calculator, carries the one … June, probably. He's working as a special instructor at Yankees camp now, but soon, he might even have his own AROD channel. And then, in some not-so-distant future, he might be the only thing on every channel. Just all A-Rod, all the time.
At least we can look forward to a lot more moments like this:

And, hopefully, this:

We just hope his new TV career won't get in the way of his duties leading A-ROD CORP

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