A blog post about the only Blogg to ever play professional baseball

This is a blog post about Wes Blogg. I guess you could say we're blogging about Blogg. And no, this is not a typo. We're not talking about Wade Boggs or Rockies prospect Alex Balog. Instead, we're focused on the only Blogg to ever play professional baseball. 
If blogs are judged by the hits they generate, this Blogg didn't do so well in that department. In 34 at-bats for the Pittsburgh Alleghenys of the American Association in 1883, Blogg only picked up five hits, good for a .147 average. His Alleghenys teammates included Buttercup Dickerson and The Only Nolan.
This has been a blog about Blogg. 
Here is a photo of David Ortiz on a computer, possibly blogging. Possibly even blogging about Wes Blogg (but probably not.) 

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