The 2018 Winter Classic between the Rangers and Sabres will be held at Citi Field

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Since its inception back in 2008, the NHL's Winter Classic has come to some of baseball's most hallowed parks, from Wrigley Field to Fenway Park to Busch Stadium. The 2018 edition, however, will go where no other Classic has gone before: Flushing, New York.
The NHL announced on Friday afternoon that the 2018 Classic will be held at Citi Field, home of the Mets and friend to birds everywhere. There's a logo and everything:

Representatives from both New York and Buffalo stopped by to celebrate the occasion -- though someone neglected to tell them that Citi Field is still a baseball diamond right now:

Sabres phenom Jack Eichel figured it out, though:

In the past, the Classic has produced some jaw-dropping images, so we can't wait to see what winter wonderland lies in store. One question remains unanswered, though: Can Mr. Met skate?

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