10 great and hilarious photos of players running into walls


The wall: It separates home runs and foul balls from outs. It's the dividing line between player and spectator. It also provides an excellent setting for photo opportunities: Players running into and leaping over the fence become something higher and something better when a photographer captures the action in still life. 
Without further ado, check out these 10 hilarious and wonderful fence-related moments.  


"Where am I? Where is anything? Is reality mere illusion?" - Dexter Fowler, 2016


This looks less like Jorge Soler racing to catch a ball at the fence and more like ivy has come to life and wants to eat him.

You'll believe a man can fly

This is how you scare off bears. 

Theme song for this one: Stacey Q's "Two of Hearts." 

If you didn't know this was a vertical wall, you could be forgiven for thinking that Coco Crisp was simply sleeping. 

A catch at the wall? Or trying to find the portal to the Upside Down


Kevin Pillar vs. The Abyss

And finally, true love.